Dahon MU SL D9 PAA693 folding bike 摺合單車 折疊單車 摺車
出貨方式 自取 / 送貨
定價 HK$4,380
價錢 HK$3,980
[#Dahon #特價]今日介紹呢部係16吋嘅 #MUSLD9~
有啲客人覺得k3 14吋太細~又覺得K3 Plus 外摺頭柱摺完又太大架~ 向大家隆重推介!MU SL D9! 

16寸 9速Shimano 公路變速零件, 大行中空餅, 可調節升降頭柱 都只係貴K3少少!Wellgo 金屬摺合腳踏!

#PAA693 原價$4380 特價$3980!
原裝行貨有保養 三隻色選擇 (黑白,電光藍, 桃粉紅)

重量: 9.74KG

快啲趁呢個特價買番架啦! 大人細路都啱踩!

#DahonD9 #DahonHK #K3 #小Bike #摺車 #接疊單車 #接合單車 #Fnhon #荃灣 #單車鋪 #南豐紗廠 #28goods #DahonHK #PAA693 #Tern #Giant特賣場 #小摺專門店 #16寸摺車

由於PRICE 網店功能有結構性限制, 只能設價到上限HK$35,000.
所以本店售價 HK$35,000以上的產品, 均會以HK$34,999 顯示出來.
並在產品詳細描述內展示真實售價, 敬請留意.
如因此項結構性限制引起之所有爭議, 本公司有權終止交易並退還訂金款項.

Due to the restrictions on the functions of the PRICE online store, 
the maximum of the price can be set as HK$35,000.
Therefore, if any products price is HK$35,000 or more, 
we will set it as HK$34,999.
The real selling price can be found in our description.

In case of all disputes caused by this price setting restriction, 
28goods has the rights to cancel the transaction and refund the deposit to the buyers.

備 注:規格配置、顏色如有變更,恕不另行通知,一切以實物為準
Remarks: Specifications, configurations and colors are subject to change without notice, and everything is subject to the actual product

本店只售全新產品, 為保障雙方利益, 請顧客交收時, 檢查清楚產品是否性能狀況良好, 貨物出門恕不退換及退款
We are selling the products all in good condition and new. Please ensure all the products are good before you leave our shop. We are not accept products exchange or refund.