Red Rising
玩家人數: 1 - 6人
策略度: 中
遊戲機制: 手牌管理
遊戲主題: 科幻
遊玩時間: 45 - 60分鐘
語言版本: English
適用卡套: 57.5x89 25個  
65x100 123個
出貨方式 自取 / 送貨
價錢 HK$340
Enter the futuristic universe of Red Rising, based on the book series–specifically, the first trilogy–by Pierce Brown featuring a dystopian society divided into 14 castes. You represent a house attempting to rise to power as you piece together an assortment of followers (your hand of cards). Will you break the chains of the Society or embrace the dominance of the Golds?

Red Rising is a hand-management, combo-building game for 1-6 players (45-60 minute playing time). You start with a hand of 5 cards, and on your turn you will deploy 1 of those cards to a location on the board, activating that card’s deploy benefit. You will then gain the top card from another location (face up) or the deck (face down), gaining that locations benefit and adding the card to your hand as you enhance your end-game point total. If at any point you’re really happy with your hand, you can instead use your turn to reveal a card from the top of the deck and place it on a location to gain that location’s benefit.

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