Return To Dark Tower 是 一款史詩式奇幻冒險遊戲!是在1981年推出的Dark Tower的改良作品!由全新殿堂級設計師團隊於40年後的今天重新改良、打造!團隊當中設計師包括 Rob Daviau and Isaac Childres,其過往名作有Gloomhaven、山中小屋、Pandemic Legacy!
遊戲以合作形式進行,可支援 1~4人,運氣、技巧並存,遊戲使用了電子塔和apps技術,令你有與別不同的遊戲體驗!
大全套包括主遊戲、 Alliances擴充、Covenant擴充、Dark Horde模型擴、The Coffers 1及 The Coffers 2豪華升級指示物。
另外電子黑暗塔除了會隨機放出不同數量的骷髏頭外,更會發光、提供音效,增加遊玩氣氛!最重要的是電子黑暗塔跟apps是會以Bluetooth 藍牙作聯動!如Apps會在黑暗塔將要解開封印前提醒玩家!
The Alliances expansion
The Alliances expansion offers new rules and components to add further depth and variety to the game. It includes two new heroes, who can be used in any game. The Archwright fortifies buildings to protect the kingdoms; the Haunted Recluse dabbles in forbidden lore to powerful effect. Influence is a new resource that can be used to form alliances with powerful guilds or to thwart the capricious whims of the nobles. It also features new treasures and allies with more intricate abilities for experienced gamers.
The Dark Horde Expansion
The Dark Horde box contains stunning sculpts by Punga Miniatures of all the foes in the game. These figures bring the foes to life.
The Coffers Deluxe Token Set
The Coffers box replaces the cardboard resource tokens from the game and the Alliances expansion with top-quality, heat-transfer plastic tokens that have a great feel and durability.
✆Whatsapp: 53935367
☎Tel: 53935367
遊戲以合作形式進行,可支援 1~4人,運氣、技巧並存,遊戲使用了電子塔和apps技術,令你有與別不同的遊戲體驗!
大全套包括主遊戲、 Alliances擴充、Covenant擴充、Dark Horde模型擴、The Coffers 1及 The Coffers 2豪華升級指示物。
另外電子黑暗塔除了會隨機放出不同數量的骷髏頭外,更會發光、提供音效,增加遊玩氣氛!最重要的是電子黑暗塔跟apps是會以Bluetooth 藍牙作聯動!如Apps會在黑暗塔將要解開封印前提醒玩家!
The Alliances expansion
The Alliances expansion offers new rules and components to add further depth and variety to the game. It includes two new heroes, who can be used in any game. The Archwright fortifies buildings to protect the kingdoms; the Haunted Recluse dabbles in forbidden lore to powerful effect. Influence is a new resource that can be used to form alliances with powerful guilds or to thwart the capricious whims of the nobles. It also features new treasures and allies with more intricate abilities for experienced gamers.
The Dark Horde Expansion
The Dark Horde box contains stunning sculpts by Punga Miniatures of all the foes in the game. These figures bring the foes to life.
The Coffers Deluxe Token Set
The Coffers box replaces the cardboard resource tokens from the game and the Alliances expansion with top-quality, heat-transfer plastic tokens that have a great feel and durability.
✆Whatsapp: 53935367
☎Tel: 53935367