KontrolFreek CQC Rush Thumbstick Grip 搖桿帽(PS5) (白色)
出貨方式 自取 / 送貨
價錢 HK$169

The soft wall created by the concave design reduces slips and allows for quick reactions in all directions. It’s particularly optimal for gamers who prefer to keep their thumbs centered on their thumbsticks or for those who play claw-style or with paddles. The circular pattern inside the cavity increases grip for even more control. Rotate the raised edge to customize the design to fit your gameplay needs. 

  • - Concave, mid-rise design with an expanded surface area and raised edge for exceptional control
  • - Raised edge design contours to the thumb, great for players who prefer their thumb to stay centered
  • - Features a softer variation of our proprietary composite material for a more comfortable, personalized feel while gaming
  • - Reduces slip and allows for quick reactions in all directions
  • - Adds 8.0mm of height for precision and control with minimal adjustment period
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