
ebelt is a local brand aims at providing quality and value for money leather goods to the consumer. It was since 2008 that the brand started up, there are over 6 sales points in the department stores. As a new brand in the market, we are striving for quality on all of our products and that is widely appreciated by all of our valued customer.

我們於2008年建立 ebelt 品牌,希望為消費者帶來更耐用而且更有品味的皮具產品。 我們除了提供各式用料造的皮帶和銀包外,還同日本品牌Baggex 合作, 於北角新都城百貨,上環永安百貨先施百貨銷售潮流公事包,皮帶及銀包。ebelt 4R online shop provides a platform for quality leather goods supplies. We implemented the concept of environmental protection in our service - Replace, Recycle, Renew, Repair.

ebelt 4R 網店提供一個優質的皮具產品平台給大家。 我們引用了環保4R的概念 - Replace (替代使用劣質產品),Recycle (循環再用),Repair (維修),Renew (翻新)。

Replace - ebelt provides quality goods in top grade quality in order to help the consumer locate a long lasting item to use. We simply lengthen the time for use by introducing top quality products to the market. This will reduce the frequent purchase of the item due to torn out at use. Our aim is to REPLACE the bad quality items in the market. (Note - We deviated the original meaning of replace in the 4Rs)

ebelt 為大家提供一系列優質產品,替代使用劣質產品,提升了產品的耐用性,從而減少因破爛而須要再購買的行為,藉此減少浪費,為環保出一分力。 (註:“替代使用”原意可能與我們的有分別)

Recycle - you can donate any leather items that you want to throw away, of course, not a broken one. We will offer the product on our platform free of charge. ebelt aims at reducing waste on this project.

你可捐出一些舊了的皮具,但又沒破爛的給我們,我們會提供一個平台給有需要的人免費認領的。 我們希望出一點點力服物有需要的人。

Repair - this is a charge service, we need to see the item to be repaired and quote a price on that. Simple hole punching is free of charge.

維修服務是收費的,客人先與我們聯絡並作出保價。 當然,間單的打孔服務是免費的。

Renew - we hope to do our best to provide our service to the consumer. We can do simple renew, like waxing and light dyeing for some items. Please check with us first.

翻新服務是一些間單的如打蠟及補油等。 請先與我們聯絡。

You may find our sales points at 寄銷分店 :

Yata - Tsuen Wan (一田百貨 - 荃灣)

Yata - Shatin (一田百貨 一 沙田)

Wing On - Sheung Wan (永安百貨 - 上環)

Wing On - Tsim Sha Tsui East (永安百貨 - 尖沙嘴東)

Wing On - Nathan (永安百貨 - 油麻地)-不定期。

Sincere - West Kowloon (先施百貨 - 深水埗西九龍中心)

Sincere - Citywalk Tsuen Wan (先施百貨 - 荃灣荃新天地)

Sincere - Domain Yau Tong (Supadepa - 油塘大本營)

Metropole - North Point (北角新都城百貨 G/F - 北角英皇道)