新型冠狀病毒抗原檢測試劑盒 [免疫層析法] [LS-C-T-009]
  • 此試劑盒是一種用於在家中檢測鼻拭子樣本中是否存在 2019-nCoV 抗原的快速免疫層析檢測。
  • 可用於檢測冠狀病毒病 (COVID-19)。
出貨方式 送貨
定價 HK$180
價錢 HK$150



  • 1.Twist off the top of the buffer bottle, slowly dispense all of the buffer into the extraction Tube.
  • 2. Remove the cotton swab from the container, being careful not to touch the end that should go into the nose.
  • 3. Insert the absorbent tip of the cotton swab into the nostril. Do not insert more than 3-4 cm into the nose.
  • 4. Slowly swirl the swab at least 4 times inside the nostril for about 15 seconds. Make sure collect nasal substances present
  • on the swab.
  • 6. Using the same cotton swab, repeat steps 3~ 5 in the other nostril.
  • 7. Insert the swab into the sample extraction solution, swirl it about 10 times, and let it sit at room temperature for 5 min.
  • 8. Shake the swab to keep as much liquid as possible in the tube, then remove the disposable swab.
  • 9. Install the drip plug.
  • 10. Tear off the foil packing bag, take out the test box, lay it flat on a horizontal table, lay down vertically 3-4 drops of sample
  • (approximately 100 μL) into the hole and start timing.
  • 11. Read the result within 15~20 minutes of adding the sample. The test result is invalid after 20 minutes.
  • 12. Place all kit components in the bag provided and seal it to prevent contamination.
  • 13. The sample bag can be disposed of with normal household waste in compliance with the applicable local regulations.
  • 14. Please disinfect your hands with a disinfectant again.
  • 【Interpretation Of The Result】
  • To read the test results, all you have to do is look at the results window.
  • 1.Test positive
  • If you see two lines in the results window (line C and line T), the test result is positive.
  • In case of a positive test result:
  • - There is currently a suspicion of COVID-19 infection.
  • - Contact physician/family physician or local health department immediately.
  • - Follow local guidelines for self-isolation.
  • - Have a PCR confirmatory test performed.
  • 2.Test negative
  • If you only see the C line but not the T line, the test result is negative.
  • If the test result is negative:
  • - Continue to follow all applicable rules regarding contact with others and protective measures.
  • - even if the test is negative, infection may still be present.
  • - In case of suspicion, repeat the test after 1 - 2 days, as the coronavirus cannot be detected accurately in all phases of an
  • infection.
  • 3.Invalid test
  • If there is no C line or if there is only T line, the result is not valid.
  • In case of an invalid test result:
  • - Possibly Caused by incorrect test performance.
  • - Repeat the test.
  • - If test results remain invalid, contact a physician or COVID-19 testing center.

  • 【Introduction】
  • The kit is a rapid immunochromatographic test for use at home to detect the presence of 2019-nCoV antigens in anterior nasal swab specimen. It is intended as an aid in the diagnosis of coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
  • Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, or 2019-nCoV) is an enveloped non-segmented positive-sense RNA virus. It is the cause of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), which is contagious in humans. 2019-nCoV has several structural  proteins including spike (S), envelope (E), membrane (M), and nucleocapsid (N).
  • The kit uses an immunocapture method, it is designed to detect the presence or absence of 2019-nCoV nucleocapsid proteins in anterior nasal swab samples from patients with signs and symptoms of infection who are suspected of COVID-19.When specimens are processed and added to the test cartridge,2019-nCoV antigens present in the specimen bind to antibodies conjugated to colloidal gold in the test strip. The antigen-conjugate complexes migrate across the test strip to the reaction area and are captured by a line of antibodies bound on the membrane. A color band will show up when antigen-conjugate is deposited at the Test “T” position and the Control “C” position on the device.
  • 【Test Contents】
  • Required and not provided:
  • 1 timer
  • 1 hand sanitizer
  • 【Test Prepation】
  • Open the kit. If the temperature of the kit and the sample extraction solution is very low, bring them to temperature(10 °C
  • to 30 °C) for 15 ~ 30 minutes, then perform the test. Use within one hour of opening the foil pouch. Wash your hands with
  • a disinfectant. The entire surface of the hands should be washed and dried. Find a quiet place to do the test, preferably sitting
  • at a table.





• 滿額免運: 訂單金額滿HK$200可享免費送貨

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