be quiet! LIGHT BASE 600 LX Window ( Black / White )
出貨方式 自取 / 送貨
定價 HK$1,899
價錢 HK$1,449

General data

Model Light Base 600 LX Black / White
Color option Black/ White
Motherboard compatibility ATX / M-ATX / Mini-ATX
Case size excl. stands (L x W x H), (mm) 450 x 305 x 435
Case size incl. stands (L x W x H), (mm) 450 x 305 x 455
Volume (l) 59.7
PSU form factor ATX PS/2
Net weight (kg) 12.1
Expansion slots 7


 open all / close all

Pre-installed fans

Fan at top -
Fan at front -
Fan at side 3x Light Wings LX Reversed 120mm PWM
Fan at rear 1x Light Wings LX 120mm PWM
Fan at bottom -
Dimensions (L x W x H), (mm) 120 x 25 x 120
Fan speed at 100% PWM / 12V (rpm) 1600 / 1500
Airflow at 100% PWM / 12V (CFM / m3/h) 51.5 / 87.5 | 48.8 / 83.0
Air Pressure at 100% PWM / 12V (mm H2O) 1.34 / 1.04
Noise level at 100% PWM / 12V (dB(A)) 25.5 / 28.5
Voltage range (V DC) 5-13.2 / 5-12
Input power (W) 3.8 / 1.2
Input current (A) 0.32 / 0.1
Connector 4-pin PWM
Lifespan (h / 25°C) 60,000
Fan controller 2x 12 ports

Maximum fan installation

Maximum fans 10
Top (mm) 2x 140 / 3x 120
Front (mm) -
Side (mm) 3x 120
Rear (mm) 1x 120
Bottom (mm) 2x 140 / 3x 120
PSU shroud -

Optional radiator installation

Top (mm) 120 / 240 / 360
Front (mm) -
Side (mm) 120 / 240
Rear (mm) 120
Bottom (mm) 120 / 240 / 360

PSU compatibility

Maximum dimensions excl. bottom fan (mm) <200
Maximum dimensions incl. bottom fan (mm) <200

Graphics card

HDD cage (in height of graphics card) installed (mm) 400
HDD cage (in height of graphics card) removed (mm) 400
Maximum PCIe slots with vertical graphics card (pcs.) 4

Drive bay capacity

5.25 bays (pcs.) -
3.5 slots (scope of delivery) 1
3.5 slots (max.) 2
2.5 slots (scope of delivery) 2
2.5 slots (max.) 4

Cooling height of CPU cooler unit (mm) 170
Airflow channel -


LED illumination
LEDs (pcs.) 77
LED type ARGB - 5V
LEDs synchronizable with controller/motherboard

I/O Panel

USB 3.2 Gen. 2 Type C 1
USB 3.2 Type A 2
USB 2.0 -
HD Audio I/O Mic + Audio
Qi charger / Quick Charging Option (W) -

Insulation and damping

Top panel insulation mats -
Front panel insulation mats -
Side panel insulation mats -
Anti-vibration decoupled HDD
Anti-vibration decoupled fan
Anti-vibration decoupled PSU
Anti-vibration decoupled motherboard-tray -

Scope of delivery

Screw set (Drives/Motherboard)
Additional standoffs (pcs.) 1
SSD bracket for PSU shroud -
LED strips (pcs.) -
Cable ties (pcs.) 12
Screw box -
VGA holder
VGA holder for inverted layout
Mesh Front Panel -
ODD Bracket -
Fan / Radiator bracket for multi mounting panel -

Removeable dust filters

Top -
Front -
Side 1
Bottom -


Top cover Steel
Front panel Glass
Side panel Steel
Side panel window Glass
Stands ABS

Safety certification

Approvals CE, UKCA

Environmental directives

Reach -


Warranty (Years) 3
International hotline / free of charge ✓ / DE, FR
  • 原裝行貨
  • 3年代理保養
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