BlackboardPaint 黑板漆 (500ml)

Our blackboard paint is a water-based paint for walls and school boards made of wood or metal, or surfaces that have been treated with MagPaint’s MagnetPaint. It can be written on using all common types of chalk. Keep on chalking with our blackboard paints in all colours!
我們的黑板漆是一種水性塗料,用於牆壁和學校用木板或金屬製成的板材,或用MagPaint的磁性漆處理過的表面。 它可以使用所有常見類型的粉筆書寫。 繼續使用各種顏色的黑板顏料粉筆!

出貨方式 自取
價錢 HK$328
BlackboardPaint 黑板漆

Blackboards are not only nostalgic; they have also become very fashionableagain! For those who want to do something different with their interior decor, BLACKBOARD PAINT  is the solution.
黑板不僅懷舊;現在也可變得非常時尚!想多變的裝飾?BLACKBOARD PAINT是解決的方案。

AT HOME (家中)
Leave a note? Make a shopping list? Or just be all creative with chalk? A blackboard area in the home is both functional and fun. BLACKBOARD PAINT can be applied anywhere. Turn a door into a message board or make a blackboard wall in your bedroom. The possibilitiesare endless so be creative!
想留便條?製作購物清單?加點粉筆色彩?BLACKBOARD PAINT創意概念無窮無盡。

FOR KIDS (給小孩子們)
Give children a pack of chalks and a blank blackboard wall and you will be amazed by what they create! A blackboard is an open invitation; it stimulates the imagination and curiosity.  With chalks in hand, children can let their imagination run wild.  Success is guaranteed.

A magnificent blackboard wall is also suitable for schools, associations, cultural and health care institutions. Did you think a blackboard has to be always black? Not with MagPaint‘s BLACKBOARD PAINT ! It is available in lime,pink, grey, black, dark green, blue and red
宏偉的黑板牆也適用於學校,課外活動中心。你認為黑板一定是黑色的嗎?MagPaint的BLACKBOARD PAINT

Applying BlackboardPaint (Magpaint 黑板漆施工) 
  • 原裝行貨
  • Shipping & Handling - All amounts not included the shipping fee, only ship in Honhg Kong location
  • Delivery - if have stock will send out whitin 3 working days, if dont have stock estimated 2weeks  
  • Return policy - No returns or exchanges
  • 送遞安排 - 所有均不包運費
  • 運送時間 - 如有現貨,將會於3個工作天內送遞;如須預訂,需時預計2個星期 
  • 退貨/退款  - 產品不設退貨 / 退款 / 轉換