GlowPaint 夜光漆 (500ml)
Looking for some magic and atmospheric light in the dark? With GLOWPAINT from MagPaint, you create luminous masterpieces!
漆黑中的牆璧、 門或物件即變成美麗的圖畫 夜光漆玩味性與功能性兼備,漆黑環境中是一個最好幫手
出貨方式 自取 / 送貨
價錢 HK$580
GlowPaint (夜光漆) 

Looking for some magic and atmospheric light in the dark?With GLOWPAINT from MagPaint, you create luminous masterpieces!

AT HOME (在家)
Easily transform a normal children’s bedroom into a magical space station or fairy-tale paradise. Use templates to paint a true starry sky or fun animals that appear when the light goes out. Or make a drawing on the wall and paint over it with GLOWPAINT so that it is also visible in the dark. The possibilities are endless. 
輕鬆地將兒童房變成神奇的太空站或童話般的天堂。繪製真實的星空或燈光熄滅時出現的有趣的動物。或在牆上畫圖,並用GLOWPAINT 對其進行繪畫,以使它在黑暗中也可見。可能性是無止境。

AT WORK (工作中)
GLOWPAINT can also be useful at work. For instance, by highlighting the escape routes and emergency doors if the lighting fails. Quick and easy to apply. 
GLOWPAINT 在工作中也很有用。例如: 如果照明失敗,則突出顯示逃生路線和緊急門。快速且易用。

HOW DOES IT WORK? (它是如何運作?)
GLOWPAINT contains a special pigment that absorbs UV light with a short wavelength. This light is not visible to people, but the pigment stores the energy from this light. Energy is also lost during this storage.The energy that the pigment loses in the form of light has a longer wavelength and is 
perceptible to people as a greenish glow.
GLOWPAINT 包含一種特殊的顏料,可以吸收短波的紫外線。人們看不到這種光,但顏料會存儲這種光的能量。在此存儲過程中也會丟失能量。顏料以光的形式的能量具有更長的光,並且人們可以見夜光。
  • 原裝行貨
  • Shipping & Handling - All amounts not included the shipping fee, only ship in Honhg Kong location
  • Delivery - if have stock will send out whitin 3 working days, if dont have stock estimated 2weeks  
  • Return policy - No returns or exchanges
  • 送遞安排 - 所有均不包運費
  • 運送時間 - 如有現貨,將會於3個工作天內送遞;如須預訂,需時預計2個星期 
  • 退貨/退款  - 產品不設退貨 / 退款 / 轉換