UM Systems UV Mask UV-C(紫外線C)抗菌口罩 黑色/白色
出貨方式 自取 / 送貨
定價 HK$1,599
價錢 HK$1,299
圖/防疫利器報到 UV-C殺菌口罩在美創下募款高峰。
圖/防疫利器報到 UV-C殺菌口罩在美創下募款高峰。

由美國UM Systems所開發的可重複使用的UV Mask抗菌口罩,自6月25日於美國眾籌網站Kickstarter啟動募資至今,款項已突破120萬美元,超出原訂目標2萬美元的60倍,成為該網站上募得最高金額的穿戴設備之一。 

UM Systems是2016年成立於科羅拉多州的光學技術公司,是Measure Inc.的全球品牌之一。產品在美國設計,UV-C元件則來自日本。

 UM Systems表示,UV-C(紫外線C)已於醫學和工業領域運用多年,但是消費級的UV-C燈卻一直未落實到應用層次,原因是所需的光線強度和淨化時間,無法配合我們的呼吸速度。UVMask是有史以來第一個將UV-C技術有效應用到即時淨化空氣的抗病毒面罩,它可以保護使用者免於空氣中病原體的侵害。

圖/UV Mask的關鍵技術是雙重即時消毒機制包括:類似N95面罩的「被動過濾機制」,以及正在申請專利的「主動無菌渦流UV-C消毒機制」。(UM Systems)
圖/UV Mask的關鍵技術是雙重即時消毒機制包括:類似N95面罩的「被動過濾機制」,以及正在申請專利的「主動無菌渦流UV-C消毒機制」。(UM Systems)

 UV Mask的關鍵技術是雙重即時消毒機制包括:類似N95面罩的「被動過濾機制」(passive filtration),以及正在申請專利的「主動無菌渦流UV-C消毒機制」(active Sterile-Vortex UV-C sterilization)。根據UM Systems提供的資料,第一層「被動過濾機制」,是可更換的空氣過濾器,可去除超過95%的污染物、過敏原和病原體。第二層則是正申請專利的UV-C無菌渦流技術,透過2個265nm的UV-C LED可快速消滅通過的病原體,使整體過濾效率超過99.99%。

 UVMask的過濾器通過CE-FFP2(與N95相同的歐盟標準)檢驗,這是一個比PM2.5更高的標準。PM2.5過濾器只能阻擋25微米的顆粒。FFP2過濾效率則為95%的0.3微米顆粒。更難得的是,過濾速率可超過呼吸速率的10倍,可免除配戴者呼吸窘迫的狀況。UV Mask提供可更換的空氣過濾器,在正常使用情況下,每組過濾器可提供40-50小時的保護。


Wearing a mask should make you feel safe.

The Mask: Evolved

UVMask Lite is designed from the ground up to filter and eliminate even the smallest viruses and bacteria.

UVMask Lite Leaves Every Other Mask in the Dust

Complete Protection for Construction and Other General Non-Medical Purposes

Future Defense Against Airborne Pathogens

UVMask (currently under research & development) is designed to provide new ways to combat airborne pathogens.

Small Investment. Big Returns.

With UVMask, a pack of 20 high-efficiency filters will last you nearly 3 months — cutting your yearly cost for daily protection nearly 15x — at just $0.14 per day.

Get 6 months’ worth of filters now, and we’ll double it for a year’s worth of total protection. 100% free.

Full-Day, 8-Hour Battery Life

UVMask comes with 2 high-safety LiPo batteries that allow for continuous active UV-C protection for 8 hours on a single charge.

Easily use it plugged into your PC while you work, or attach a power bank to it using the included USB-C cable for those longer 14-16 hour shifts.

Our UV-C Innovation

Go beyond filtration with 2-step purification. While typical masks only provide passive protection, UVMask is the world’s first face protection to provide total active UV-C protection. 

As you breathe, the air is sent through the vortex under two state-of-the-art 275nm pure UV-C LEDs. 

100% Airtight, Skin-Friendly Silicone

UVMask forms an airtight seal around your mouth and nose thanks to its skin-friendly silicone inner mask.

All air you breathe is mechanically ventilated into the mask — so even if the mask moves as you speak, the air is always pushed out and never leaks in.
