OOMI 日本專利無化害消毒殺菌套裝/單品
日本特許技術 99.7%環保成分 成份為99.7%淨化水純淨水及0.3%食用級碳酸鉀,以日本特許技術製成,環保、無酒精、無化學殘留,適合孕婦丶嬰兒丶寵物使用


根據國際醫學雜誌International Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences (Vol. 8(2) Jun2020)指出,高鹼度環境能殺滅新冠狀病毒。
出貨方式 自取 / 送貨
定價 HK$48-287
價錢 HK$45-200

安全證實 殺滅細菌 經國際測試、檢驗及認證機構STC檢測試證實可有效殺除以下常見細菌及病毒,殺菌率高達99.999%: • 大腸桿菌 • 肺炎克雷伯氏菌 • 金黃色葡萄球菌 • 退伍軍人桿菌 • 鼠傷寒沙門氏菌 • 甲型流感病毒



安全霧化使用指引: - 在進行霧化消毒時,需要保持環境空氣流通,避免在密閉空間內使用 - 小朋友或是有呼吸疾病的人士,建議在消毒期間迴避 - 完成消毒後最好讓空間通風一段時間再進入 - 使用完的霧化器需要徹底洗淨,以免不同消毒劑混合產生不良反應

Bundle Includes: - 250ml Spray Sanitizer (scent-free) -500ml sanitizer refill (scent-free) -38ml Lemongrass sanitizer Japanese Patented Technology 99.7% eco-Protect Ingredients Made from 99.7% purified water and 0.24% food grade potassium carbonate with Japanese patented technology.

Green product, no alcohol, no chemical residue. oomi sanitizer is a high alkaline solution with pH12+. According to the International Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences (Vol. 8(2) Jun2020), “any viruses of the family coronaviridae including SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory viruses of human and animal can be inactivated easily by exposure at high temperature and extremely low and high pH treatment.)”

Kills Germs up to 99.999% STC tested and certified that the product can effectively kill following bacteria and virus, with an efficacy rate up to 99.999%: Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, Staphylococcus aureus, Legionella pneumophila, Salmonella, H1N1

✅ Safe for pregnant ladies, babies, pets
✅ Skin friendly, alcohol free

oomi, super alkaline hydroxide ionised solution, does not contain harmful chemicals. Its high alkalinity can more effectively kill bacteria and viruses in the air after diffusion and inhibit their growth. Particles will be restored to water after disinfection without posing threat to health and the environment.

Safety Guidelines: - Maintain good ventilation. Avoid diffusion in confined spaces. - Children or people with respiratory diseases are advised to stay away from the diffusion area. - Let fresh air into indoor spaces after diffusion. - Do not mix oomi with other chemical ingredients. Rinse the diffusion container after use.

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