Wood Pour Femme, the new fragrance for women by Dsquared2, is a project designed around the characteristics of wood - strong and sturdy, with a complex structure that makes it unique and inimitable. Young and capturing the zeitgeist, the protagonist for this fragrance is sensual, confident in herself and in her personality and lives on passions, good vibes and an impulse towards what’s new. 以綠意盎然的大地靈感,擷取來自義大利西西里島的頂級柑橘混合鈴蘭與桂花的調配,構成愉悅活潑的香氛前調元素。而後搭上覆盆子葉,完成既清新又空靈的中調香氛,輕帶著讓人宛如初戀般的感覺。茉莉花與玉蘭花元素的參與,由其珍貴且誘人的成分,流露出強烈的性感氣息。彷彿地中海邊微風陣陣的鳥語花香,尾調融合了白色森林的明亮氣息與幽微的雪松木香,帶點深沉的龍涎香氣,留下令人確定不疑的極致香味痕跡。