The lush floral bouquet of the new fragrance accentuates flowers of violet, rose and elegant jasmine, accentuated with carrot seed and characteristic chords of Loewe leather. Opening notes of the composition incorporate carrot seed, bergamot, lemon and green notes. The heart encompasses a floral bouquet blooming with violet, rose, jasmine and orange blossom, followed by vanilla, musk, patchouli and Loewe leather.
Loewe Aura 系列的 Floral 淡香精有著琥珀色的高貴優雅。基調調和了香草、麝香和廣藿香,再揉入一些 LOEWE 皮革的粗獷氣息;前調則以胡蘿蔔種籽、檸檬、佛手柑和綠和弦的自然輕甜開場,帶出由紫羅蘭、玫瑰、茉莉和橙花所組成的核心氣味。搭配著刷上銀色筆觸的新款瓶身,宛如一位妝點著珍珠飾品的女性,散發著獨特花香。