


  • 如果您發現產品損壞或與訂購的產品不符,請立即通過WhatsApp聯繫我們,電話號碼為 +852 84913325,我們將盡快為您安排更換。
  • 如果所有產品已被拆卸或遺失,我們商店將不接受退貨或換貨。

如果您有任何疑問,歡迎通過WhatsApp或致電 +852 84913325 聯繫我們,並詢問Tony。

** Please check and fit your lenses by a professional or doctor;
For your safety, please keep your prescription for buy lens, we may ask for you to send us a copy! Thanks for your co-operation!
Warning; Check your eyes and learn how to wear contact lenses before purchase and keep always clean your hands and case before wearing lenses!!