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更歡迎親臨我們 K11 店體驗 Klasse14 產品及服務。
Klasse14 - K11
K11 Art Mall, 尖沙咀河內道18號1樓 110A 舖
查詢:+852 6066 3971
Get in touch! We’re here to quickly provide you with the info and services you need & answer any question you may have. You can reach us via email at Web@Klasse14.com and expect a response within 24-48 hours.
You are welcome to visit our store in K11 for product experiencing:
KLASSE14 - K11
K11 Art Mall, 1/F, Shop 110A, 18 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
From: 11am - 8pm, Monday to Sunday
Enquiry:+852 6066 3971